How to skip/pause the Nerd Box

Can I skip or pause the Nerd Box

If you purchase a subscription or prepayment box, you can manage the box by skipping or pausing.

For instance, if the topic(s) doesn’t meet the customer’s interests.

Below you can find the list of Nerd boxes (add link) that allows you to manage your box:

Physical Nerd box

Virtual Nerd box

Retro Nerd box

How can I skip or pause the Nerd Box

You can manage a Nerd Box on your personal profile. If you decide to skip or pause the Nerd Box, you must swipe the button to the right. Before you decide, the pop up will inform you about three options:

Keep my Nerd Box
Skip/Pause the Nerd Box

Please be informed that after skipping or pausing the Nerd Box, your subscription will remain active until you cancel the subscription. Be aware that your choice is limited by date. If you want to skip or pause the box for the next month, you must do it until the end of the current month.

What is the difference between skipping or pausing the Nerd Box

There is one major difference between skipping and pausing the Nerd Box. If you skip the Nerd Box, the box will remain skipped until the next month. Conversely, if you decide to pause the Nerd box, the box will remain paused until activation.

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